Clients up and down the country are aware that when they see that an escort agency or independent escort has “Verified Photos” that they can be confident of choosing their female company, assured that they will indeed be meeting the beautiful escort that has appealed to them.

Escorts and Escort agencies appreciate the full power of this assurance, understanding the confidence that this award generates with their clients.

On Northern Angels the “Verified Photos” logo means that the escort is personally known to us. She may have come into the office with her own professional images which we can verify, or have elected to have her portfolio made at our own superb studios in Greater Manchester. Some escorts may appear on the website without this logo, in these cases we try to ensure that those advertising are genuine and simply cannot meet us due to logistical reasons such as geographical location or work constraints. We always encourage verification even if this is at a later date.

Escorting through genuine internet web sites produces fabulous experiences for both escort and client and we hope awareness and this verification logo help to protect the escorting experience.