Northamptonshire is known as the county of spires and squires and Northamptonshire is an ideal county to take a relaxing break in. It is nicely situated between London and Birmingham and provides the perfect place for relaxation. This is the county where the gentry play , therefore there is outwardly no adult industry as such, very few brothels or massage parlours even in the larger towns and very few striptease or lap dancing clubs either. Northamptonshire has many stately homes - some now converted into luxury hotel complexes.

The region also has many quaint market towns. Due to its location, quiet rural setting and great amenities Northamptonshire is popular for conferences and grand social functions such as weddings. The Northamptonshire escorts generally tend to be a little more mature and sophisticated in keeping with the serenity of the county, that's not to say there aren't any younger more vibrant Northamptonshire escorts though! Northern Angels are extending their interest into this idyllic part of the world and have some of the best independent escorts in the country as Northamptonshire escorts.

Our classy female escorts are up to the challenge, intelligent, sophisticated and can capture anyone's attention and imagination. Northamptonshire escorts traditionally came from the local towns and villages of the area, but as the need for more Northamptonshire escorts became apparent, then Male escorts and female escorts have moved to this tranquil area from London and Birmingham consequently the Northamptonshire escort scene now has a much more cosmopolitan feel to it.

With the scene becoming more adventurous, we now get escorting couples as well as Northamptonshire escorts prepared to escort couples for threesome fun. Many of the escorts moving into the area are bisexual escorts, thus offering much more variety and fun.

There are many reasons to come to this county, including the corporate events staged here due to the proximity of Silverstone and Towcaster race course. Gentlemen and ladies alike often desire a partner at these events, but are too busy or just don"t want the hassle of finding one, so our male escorts and female escorts are very popular. Our Northamptonshire escorts are adept at blending in, our female escorts being some of the most beautiful ladies around, making anyone a very proud companion, giving the ultimate in girlfriend experience. Especially at Silverstone where the combination of sex and cars really does work, you need a stunning classy lady on your arm just to feel that you belong in this arena. Our Northamptonshire escorts are so stunning they look as though they belong in the glamorous world of motor racing, oozing with sex appeal. We have a Northamptonshire escort to suit any event be it a day at Silverstone or a day at the races or if you simply want a relaxing evening or weekend away from the rat race. Maybe you fancy one of the local Northamptonshire escorts, the girl next door type or the more experienced proverbial "bored housewife”. These female escorts are perfect for winding down with; showing the many things the area has to offer, as well as being charming and confident companions these are some of the prettiest women around, pure English roses from the heart of the English countryside. The Northamptonshire escorts have been attracted to the area because of the relaxed way of life and the many events going on in the area, they offer stylish and perfect company to compliment any occasion.

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