Northern Angels uses a unique feedback system for escorts. Each angel on the Northern Angels website has a rating calculated by the number of recommendations she receives by our private members. Awards are shown by a number and a star. These are explained below...

  • Pearl rating - between 5 and 10 private members recommendations
  • Ruby rating - between 11 and 20 private members recommendations
  • Sapphire rating - between 21 and 30 private members recommendations
  • Emerald rating - between 31 and 50 private members recommendations
  • Diamond rating - between 51 and 99 private members recommendations
  • Double Diamond rating - More than 100 private members recommendations

Since its launch Northern Angels has come a long way in a short time, in the world of internet escorting. Below are some of the comments and general feedback the site receives from clients and the industry, regarding to overall quality of the site, and the escorts that offer their services through Northern Angels.

The management of Northern Angels and all the Northern Angels escorts wish to thank all the clients for all their custom and supportive comments and feedback. It is our aim to strive to consistently give the very highest standards of service in all departments.............