Penrith makes the perfect base from which to explore the Lake District, it is a busy market town, lying in the lovely Eden Valley, to the north east of the Lake District and a few miles north of Lake Ullswater. The bustling town offers an array of specialist shops, the famous Penrith Toffee and Fudge, olde worlde pubs and inns, and a choice of restaurants within the town and the surrounding area that are truly amazing. There is literally a pub or inn on every corner, each with its own charm and many offering live music entertainment and great pub food. In the tourist season the area is the epicentre for tourists and Penrith escorts are thrilled to offer companionship to those who may be travelling alone and looking for a little diversion. Although a small town the surrounding area is huge and Penrith escorts are happy to travel throughout the region

Penrith greets businessmen and tourists from around the world but is also popular with Bikers, bohemians, real ale lovers and many from Newcastle from which Penrith is within easy range. The selection of Penrith escorts mirrors the eclectic mix of visitors, they are blonde or brunette, slender or curvy escorts, ranging in age from teenage escorts, the 20-30' and on into the more mature escorts, abundant in experience. Every man has his ideal woman so it is important that Penrith escorts can offer a choice of ladies to match your desires. Likewise the services offered cover a wide range; many visitors have to travel alone and will be delighted to find a charming and witty companion ready to spend time with them, sharing their exploration of the local beauty spots. An escort who is witty and a great conversationalist will be the perfect dinner companion in one of the famous Lakeland eateries. Penrith escorts can be elegant and sophisticated and will be admired as you stroll along together, maybe her secret is the silky and sexy underwear beneath her clothes, a little treat for you to discover later.

Penrith" s appeal is its laid back feel, relaxing yet invigorating, two words which perfectly describe Penrith escorts in fact. In Penrith itself and throughout the surrounding area you will not find the brash strip club or lap dancing bar, the brazen massage parlour or brothel, instead you can call a Penrith escort and although she may appear cool and discreet on the exterior she can be a passionate fireball on the inside. But for your eyes only! As times change there is now a growing demand for male escorts and Penrith escorts will be able to keep the ladies in the area as happy as the gentlemen, with some educated, suave and handsome guys to accompany you to any social function….unless you want to keep him all to yourself. Tastes for both ladies and the gentlemen vary widely, so don"t be shy to enquire about just what Penrith escorts has to offer, transsexual escorts, gay escorts and couples acting as escorting duos as well as the lovely female Penrith escorts themselves.

Penrith' history is long and rich, and this English Market Town has long been a central and important strategic location in this region. It was once the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Cumbria, no wonder so many people still gravitate to it even today and why not indeed when it is equally rich in beautiful Penrith escorts. Escorts in Penrith are much in demand and escorting can be great fun, if you are outgoing and enjoy a fun lifestyle why not give us a call to see if it would interest you.

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