The quaint market town of Kendal has become known as "The auld grey town", because of the fine grey limestone buildings which dominate the local architectural style and Kendal is now the principal commercial and shopping centre of the area. Kendal is situated in the valley of the river Kent and surrounded on three sides by a background of Lakeland fells and beautiful countryside. South Lakeland encompasses two of England's best known National Parks, the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales. Over the years this stunning scenery has inspired many famous writers and artists like William Wordsworth, John Ruskin and Beatrix Potter. There is so much to offer in Kendal and the surrounding area, from world-class attractions and events to top-quality shops, bars and cafes. However in keeping with the refined and up-market tone of the area you are unlikely to find much in the way of adult entertainment, no strip clubs or lap dancing bars or venues and certainly no massage parlours or brothels. You will not see any visible signs of prostitutes or the adult industry on the streets of Kendal. So, you may ask, what does the discerning gentleman do when seeking some female companionship?

Kendal escorts are of course the answer and in keeping with the area the ladies escorting with Kendal escorts are classy, elegant and discreet. Male escorts are also available with Kendal escorts to provide companionship for the ladies, or as a couple with a female escort as an escorting duo for heterosexual couples looking to widen their horizons. The town may be a small market town but it can offer a selection of escorts who would grace any of the larger towns and cities. There is no need for a massage parlour when you can be assured of the confidentiality and more intimate and relaxed atmosphere of an incall apartment or the visit of a hotel escort to your room, for a sensual massage that will leave you begging for more. Some escorts from Kendal are in fact fully trained masseuse with skilled finger tips to ease and tease you. Also available are young fresh faced teenage escorts, aged 18-20, some have previously lived in Manchester and other large towns and have worked as dancers, pole dancers, strippers and lap dancers, you have only to ask and perhaps you will enjoy the personal services of your very own lap dancer, her sinuous and sensual body dancing only to you.

Maybe your interests lie in more sophisticated encounters, a romantic restaurant with a beautiful woman can be the preamble to many delicious hours. The Kendal area is home to some of the finest food and drink in Cumbria. From local fish, game, beef and lamb, to the sumptuous fruit, vegetables and cheeses; the newly initiated Kendal Festival of Food offers you the very best, a food and drink extravaganza. What a wonderful way to spend time with a lovely Kendal escort, enjoying the pleasures of fine wine and delicious food with a glorious lady of witty conversation and charm. One of the most sensual of experiences is savoring the tastes and textures of exquisite food whilst looking into the smoldering eyes of your female companion from Kendal escorts.

South Lakeland is a spectacular setting for world-class cultural events and festivals all year round. You can choose between outdoor music, international street arts, and film, theatre and mountain festivals. There is an abundance of things to see and do whatever the weather! Certainly a damp day in the Lakes is no reason to dampen your spirits, of it turns cold outside you can be sure of cosy atmosphere and a very warm welcome from your choice of escort at Kendal escorts.

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