Many young women are discovering that becoming an escort is a career option that can provide a lifestyle that they are finding is very attractive for a variety of reasons.

At Northern Angels we are committed to casting for potential escorts who answer our clients’ requirements and which we know will ensure their future success.

Whether you are an existing escort, either independent or currently attached to an agency and looking to extend your clientele or increase your advertising, Northern Angels will be delighted to hear from you to discuss your development within the industry. Perhaps you are considering becoming an escort for the first time and would like to talk with a reputable company about your future. Northern Angels has been representing escorts on the internet since 1999 and so has a depth of knowledge and experience that will help you make the right decision.

We represent escorts throughout the UK and are regarded as having a distinguished clientele of gentlemen followers, who know that they will find elite escorts of the highest standards promoted on the website.

Do you feel that you have the personality, good looks and desire to become a high class female companion? We know that your ambition to become not just an escort, but an elite escort, is an essential for future success. Your attention to detail, both when you are sharing time with your date and in your personal presentation is fundamental, but foremost is your genuine appetite for sharing male company. Many gentlemen enjoying a liaison with an escort require absolute confidentiality and we are respected in the profession as maintaining the highest standards in this area. Becoming a successful escort offers a lifestyle of privileges and increased income, not to mention a great deal of fun and excitement for the right girl.

If you feel that you fit these criteria and would be interested in having an informal chat with us please complete the online application below or call us for more details.

Please be assured that you can rely on our absolute discretion at all times.